{event_ticket} or Similar Tag should be included on Donation Receipt
under review
Matt Reffie
Yes, it would be great to have this, even if just on the New Donation internal email notification and backend donation views (though on Donor Dash would be great too). Presently, we have two ticket options that are the same price and it can be difficult to tell which ticket was chosen without adding further custom fields that add redundant steps to the process. (We also can't see the 'Attendees' tab at the moment due to deleted test purchases being a complicating issue covered elsewhere on this forum.)
stuart hughes
Yep, this is essential really for the tickets to be usable in a real world application :)
Josh VonFeldt
I'd love an update on this if possible. It's the one thing I'm missing from the e-mail receipt.
Gianpaolo Barone
Any updates on this feature? It's pretty vital to the entire experience. Users who donate won't have any idea what ticket they've purchased since it's not even included in their Donor Dashboard either.
Angela Blake
under review